Energy & Utilities

Online Electricity Measurement:
Reframing Inefficiency as Opportunity

Optimise your electricity usage with Augos's advanced Online Electricity Measurement solutions. Our technology provides real-time data and actionable insights, helping you enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and uncover hidden value. Explore our products below to discover how Augos can elevate your energy strategy and empower informed decision-making for sustainable growth.
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Ensure Billing Accuracy with Data

Ensure the financial integrity of your business by harnessing the Augos measurement and reporting suite. This proactive approach safeguards against municiple overcharging and elevates energy management to a strategic financial tool, enhancing accountability and efficiency.

Independent Utility Measurement

Tariff Analysis  

Bill Verification  

Cost Allocation and Breakdown

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Ensure Billing Accuracy with Data

Ensure the financial integrity of your business by harnessing the Augos measurement and reporting suite. This proactive approach safeguards against municipal overcharging and elevates energy management to a strategic financial tool, enhancing accountability and efficiency.
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Independent Utility Measurement

Capture real-time utility data with precision, laying the groundwork for accurate billing and energy optimisation.

Tariff Analysis  

Analyse actual site consumption data to identify the most cost-effective tariff options, optimising utility expenses.

Bill Verification  

Ensure billing accuracy by comparing actual utility usage against billed amounts, highlighting discrepancies to protect against overcharges and underbilled claim risks.

Cost Allocation and Breakdown

Achieve transparency in energy spending by accurately allocating costs to departments or processes, encouraging responsible energy use.

Identify & Eliminate Waste With Real-time Online Measurement

Our online measurement platform, featuring real-time energy and utility metrics, stands as a cornerstone for waste reduction and uncovering improvement opportunities. Our tools highlight waste and areas for improvement, giving you the data to act. With real-time monitoring and analysis, you're equipped to make informed decisions, leading to smarter energy management.
Get Precision Insights

Identify & Eliminate Waste With Real-time Online Measurement

Our online measurement platform, featuring real-time energy and utility metrics, stands as a cornerstone for waste reduction and uncovering improvement opportunities. Our tools highlight waste and areas for improvement, giving you the data to act. With real-time monitoring and analysis, you're equipped to make informed decisions, leading to smarter energy management.

Real-Time Monitoring & Reporting

Energy Distribution Analysis

Equipment Performance Tracking

Trend Analysis & Benchmarking

SEU Identification

Get Precision Insights

Real-Time Monitoring & Reporting

Track energy usage as it happens, providing immediate insights into where and how energy is consumed, guiding targeted actions.

Energy Distribution Analysis

Use energy & demand heatmaps to identify peak consumption periods. This strategy improves efficiency and reduces costs by optimising when and how energy is used across your operations.

Equipment Performance Tracking

Monitor machinery and systems in real time to pinpoint underperforming assets, guiding proactive maintenance and equipment replacement initiatives for more efficient energy use.

Trend Analysis & Benchmarking

Evaluate long-term usage patterns to identify consistent inefficiencies, spotlighting opportunities for improvement.

SEU Identification

Employ energy hierarchy charts to pinpoint where the most energy is being used. Identifying significant energy users allows for targeted actions to address inefficiencies, guiding energy optimisation efforts.

Proactively Identify and Mitigate Risks with Triggers & Alerts

Elevate your risk management capabilities with Augos. Swiftly pinpoint and address energy-related risks to ensure uninterrupted operations. This strategy not only streamlines your processes but also transforms risk mitigation into a strategic cornerstone, boosting your business’s efficiency and resilience.
Mitigate Risk Now

Proactively Identify and Mitigate Risks with Triggers & Alerts

Elevate your risk management capabilities with Augos. Swiftly pinpoint and address energy-related risks to ensure uninterrupted operations. This strategy not only streamlines your processes but also transforms risk mitigation into a strategic cornerstone, boosting your business’s efficiency and resilience.

Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts

Dynamic Threshold Setting

Predictive Analytics

Incident Response Planning

Mitigate RIsk Now

Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts

Instantly detect deviations in energy usage with real-time monitoring, receiving alerts that enable immediate action to prevent disruptions and ensure operational continuity.

Dynamic Threshold Setting

Dynamically adjust thresholds for energy consumption and performance metrics, identifying anomalies early and enabling quick responses to emerging risks.

Predictive Analytics

Forecast potential risks with advanced analytics, allowing for preemptive measures to avert system failures or inefficiencies, and maintaining smooth operations.

Incident Response Planning

Prepare and execute effective response strategies with predefined plans that are triggered by specific incidents, minimising impact and recovery time.

Support Strategic Action with Expert Insights

Strengthen your strategic initiatives in energy and sustainability with our specialised expertise. Our team provides essential insights and guidance to navigate complex environmental challenges and leverage opportunities for growth and improvement. With our tailored support, you’re poised to make informed, impactful decisions.
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Support Strategic Action with Expert Insights

Strengthen your strategic initiatives in energy and sustainability with our specialised expertise. Our team provides essential insights and guidance to navigate complex environmental challenges and leverage opportunities for growth and improvement. With our tailored support, you’re poised to make informed, impactful decisions.

Executive Strategy Support

Data driven energy & cost reduction solutions

Establish your Sustainability Roadmap

Outsourced Energy Intelligence

Strategic Energy Planning

Get Expert Advice

Executive Strategy Support

Our industry experts offer impartial consulting to executives and boards, providing strategic insights on energy-related decisions. This service ensures your leadership is well-informed and equipped to navigate the complexities of energy initiatives, aligning your energy strategy with global standards and reinforcing your position as a leader in environmental responsibility.

Data driven energy & cost reduction solutions

Utilise our expertise to uncover and implement strategies that significantly reduce energy consumption and costs. Our approach is grounded in analysing your data to identify the most effective actions for energy efficiency and cost savings.

Establish your Sustainability Roadmap

Partner with us to forge a detailed pathway to sustainability goals like RE100, with comprehensive support from planning through to achievement, guaranteeing strategic alignment and success.

Outsourced Energy Intelligence

Extend your capabilities with our service desk team, providing you with continuous, expert monitoring and management of your energy data and strategies. This outsourced intelligence acts as an extension of your team, ensuring you have the insights needed for agile decision-making.

Strategic Energy Planning

Engage with our experts to devise an energy strategy that propels your business forward, ensuring efficiency and sustainability from procurement to usage.
Energy & Utilities

Explore How Our Solutions
Deliver Real Results

Discover the impact of our Online Electricity Measurement solutions through real-world outcomes. From ensuring billing accuracy and identifying inefficiencies to mitigating risks and achieving compliance, our products empower your business to make informed decisions and drive strategic actions. Dive into the outcomes our solutions deliver below.
Augos Solutions

Smart Energy

Smart energy meters provide users with real-time access to energy data, enabling active management of energy costs and usage as well as the ability to continuously verify utility measurements and billing.
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Augos Solutions

Cloud-Based Energy Insights Platform

Augos goes beyond providing raw data; it delivers deep insights that uncover hidden value, empowering decision-makers to act on opportunities that aren't immediately visible. The platform distills data into actionable insights, reframing inefficiencies as opportunities, providing the evidence needed to mobilise meaningful change.
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Augos Solutions

SEU Submetering

Augos enables detailed monitoring and analysis of Significant Energy Users (SEUs) within your facility. It allows users to identify energy consumption patterns and highlight opportunities for cost reduction and efficiency improvements. By leveraging detailed data and insights, Augos supports strategic energy management initiatives to optimise performance and reduce waste.
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Augos Solutions

Energy Service Desk

Outsource your energy intelligence to our team of experts who continuously monitor your measurement infrastructure. This service ensures financial assurance, mitigates operational risks, enhances energy efficiency, and handles specialised energy administration tasks on an ongoing basis, providing comprehensive support for all your energy management needs.
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Augos Solutions

Tenant Billing Software

A robust solution for reconciling and billing tenants across multiple energy sources, including conventional, backup, and green energy. Augos ensures accurate allocation of costs according to actual usage, enhancing transparency and accountability in tenant billing.
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Augos Solutions

Power Quality Analysis

Monitor and report on the quality of your sites power supply, identifying issues like voltage dips, swells and current and voltage harmonic distortion which can affect equipment efficiency and lifespan.
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Online Electricity Measurement

Learn More About Our Online Electricity Measurement

Optimise your financial performance through strategic reduction of billed demand charges. Our suite offers sophisticated tools that harness data for insightful financial decision-making, ensuring your energy efficiency investments translate into substantial savings.cture. Our cutting-edge technology swiftly detects and extinguishes fires, minimising damage and downtime, ensuring the safety of your personnel, and preserving your valuable assets.
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Knowledge Article
Managing Costs and Reducing Energy Usage
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Knowledge Article
The Importance of Bill Verification
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Knowledge Article
Augos Triggers: The Smart Way to Prioritise Your Attention
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Success Stories

See the Impact Augos
Has Made on
Our Customers

Augos arms every business leader with actionable insights to mobilise meaningful change. Learn how our solutions have transformed energy efficiency for leading brands.
Success Stories
Implementing Augos's online electricity measurement has enabled RCL Foods to optimise energy consumption across their diverse operations, resulting in substantial cost savings and enhanced operational efficiency.
Success Stories
Libstar leverages Augos’s comprehensive energy monitoring to streamline their utilities management, leading to better resource allocation and improved bottom-line results.
Success Stories
Nampak leverages Augos’s technology to monitor energy use in real-time, leading to better energy management and significant cost reductions in their manufacturing processes.
Success Stories
Beachcomber has improved their energy efficiency and reduced operational costs by utilising Augos’s comprehensive energy monitoring solutions.
Success Stories
Jumeirah benefits from Augos’s detailed energy insights, optimising their luxurious hospitality services while maintaining high standards of sustainability and efficiency.

Next Steps:
Get Started

Optimise your financial performance through strategic reduction of billed demand charges. Our suite offers sophisticated tools that harness data for insightful financial decision-making, ensuring your energy efficiency investments translate into substantial savings.
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Browse the Augos Platform
Utilise our expertise to uncover and implement strategies that significantly reduce energy consumption and costs. Our approach is grounded in analysing your data to identify the most effective actions for energy efficiency and cost savings.
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Our Customers

Proud partners in innovation with leading industry experts.

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 Augos Experts

Select an expert and get started.
Energy Strategies
Strategic Planning
Digitising Business Operations
Sustainability Initiatives
Renewable Energy Integration
Chris leads our Renewable Energy Strategies & Sales team, bringing over ten years of experience and a deep understanding of complex systems.
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Solutions Architect
Generator Monitoring
Switching & Control
Demand Management
Energy Integration
Abrie is a Solutions Architect specialising in both hardware and software development and implementation.
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Online Measurement & Reporting
Energy Measurement
Tariff & Billing
Energy Distribution Analysis
Environmental Reporting
Maretha leads our Energy Measurement team, possessing a keen understanding of operational cost drivers and the metrics required to monitor them.
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Tariff & Billing Expert
Bill Verification
Tariff Analysis
Sub Billing
Billing Disputes
Mary-Anne has more than ten years experience in tariff and billing related issues and focuses on cost mitigating strategies.
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Fluids & Gas
Utility Measurement
Fluids & Gas Measurement
Energy Planning
Data Logging
David nurtures strong relationships with his customers and is dedicated to solving customer problems.
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Power Factor Correction
Power Factor Correction
ROI Calculations
QoS Measurement
Bernard manages the Operations and Support team with a strong background on Energy Projects, compliance standards and safety
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